
Saturday, July 31, 2010

A Trip to World Farm

I like World Farm.

Each time I visit, I would wish that I have a real garden so I can grow lots and lots of plants and trees.

And each time I visit, I wish the overworked Singaporean sun would hide behind the clouds a little so I won't get so sunburnt.

Today's trip to World Farm is the first for The Husband. When we were almost there, amidst all that greenery at that part of the island, The Husband said, "Woah, what's this place?" I don't think he has ever gone to that part of Singapore before!

World Farm is a really nice nursery.. with plenty of interesting plants, knowledgeable staff and excellent service!

I'd be making another trip there soon to get more plants! (And hopefully, I will have the time to drop by Oh Chin Huat next time.)

Enjoy the pictures - I didn't manage to take that many because after a while, I forgot..

A view of a part of World Farm

Little flowers that seem to smile :)

Brightly coloured portulaca like those I've seen on Sky's blog

A flower that used to grow like a weed near our old house

I really liked these.. though I have no idea what they are.. 
and forgot to buy them altogether!

Lots of interesting greens
I wanted to buy these but the man there said these die really easily..
I will get these ones next time too..
Saw a lemon tree! It'd be so cool to grow one in Singapore..
The last picture before I left.. I didn't know starfruits can be grown here!


  1. pls pls count me in .. cos i am determine to get my herbs going hahahaa!

  2. honestly, where is this place? I am so out of touch...

  3. Hi Happy, sorry I forgot to ask you along yesterday.. Next time we go, we'd ask you.. we'd make an outing of it and go to White Bee Hoon (see prev post) too!

  4. Yin Mei, this place is a plants nursery at Yishun/ Sembawang area. There are 2 good nurseries there and World Farm is the bigger one. You should try to go there when you're back next!

  5. The 2nd picture of the yellow flowers is the Dahlsberg Daisy. =D They don't do too well in our weather though.


  6. Oh.... phew.. I didn't buy those.. Ar.. Sky, do you know what is the name of the plant with those little yellow flowers? (4th pic)

  7. I dunno leh! So paiseh. I know it's a common plant and its name is probably not fancy-shmancy too. But for the life of me, I can't remember. Lol. Too old liao.


  8. Oh don't say that... you are already a real expert to me!

  9. No lah. No expert! More like...experimental hobbyist. :P You see so many of my posts about experimenting with this or that one. Haha.


  10. Very nice photos. The plant you like is called 米兰花. Very fragrant when in bloom. I'm looking for one too.

  11. Sounds nice! Sounds like Milan flowers, so posh!

  12. I used to have a star fruit in my garden. Very shiok to harvest them.

  13. Hi Edith, thanks for dropping by! Starfruit tree sounds so cool!


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