
Sunday, August 1, 2010

Konnyaku with Sakura Blossoms

Konnyaku is a traditional Japanese jelly-like health food made from a kind of plant called Konjac. It is also sometimes referred to as "Konnyaku potato", or "Konnyaku yam". Konnyaku is high in dietary fibre and very low in calories, making it a very ideal choice for dessert for those on a diet. That is, if you don't add too much sugar to it in the process of making konnyaku jelly.

Konnyaku jelly is extremely easy to make.. but for some reason, I've never made it before. I was inspired to make it only because I wanted to make use of my pickled sakura blossoms.

Aren't these pretty? I made them with Ribena for that pinkish red colour because I didn't want to use plain food colouring. I also made sure that I didn't add too much sugar since the Ribena syrup was already sweet and soaked all the pickled sakura blossoms in hot water to remove most of the salt.

My friends say these taste like sweet konnyaku jelly with dried sour plums (酸梅).


  1. The jelly looks so tempting! Good idea to add ribena as food colouring and for good taste!

  2. All - thanks! hehe. I think of all the desserts I've made - these are probably the easiest. Maybe I should make some for the potluck in Sept!

  3. That looks both yummy and beautiful. Great idea!


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