
Sunday, August 8, 2010

Homemade Otah

It took me a morning of running around at a wet market and supermarket, an hour of onion peeling and chilli cutting to make the "rempah", an hour of cutting, chopping and mixing a very fishy mixture and then one more hour of wrapping and steaming...

All that for about 30 pieces of homemade otah.

That amounts to about 10 pieces of otah for every hour of preparation.. not to mention all that driving and rushing around at the market. And I haven't even counted the major wash-up I had to do after that... and the fact that my kitchen still has that fishy smell now..

I'm beginning to think the $1.50 otah at Joo Chiat road is worth the drive there and definitely worth the money.

But it was really fun.. I did enjoy it.. inspite of all that tearing (from the onions and chilli) and the washing up afterwards.

The otah taste good.. but it could be better. Next time, I'd make the batter thicker and add more chilli and salt. But it'd probably be sometime later.. because making the otah today really wore me out... *yawn*

Recipe here.

The ingredients that went into the "rempah" - 
tumeric root, shallots, onions, dried and fresh chilli and candlenut. 
And also blue ginger, or galangal and kaffir lime leaves, which I forgot to take pictures of.

Another 2 special ingredients that went into the rempah - 
toasted coconut and toasted coriander seeds. I forgot to buy the later 
today so I had to do without it.

The "rempah" smelled really good and "otahish"

The end result

Top - the otah I made today
Bottom - the one made during the class with Alice.
Difference - I used less chilli and added a bit too much water today


  1. Woah, it's is ALOT of work! But they do look good. This is one of those things that I prefer to buy because I know I can't make it well. Another one is kueh lapis.

  2. Oh my goodness! What a labour of love!!

  3. Hehe.. I know what you mean, Ting.. but it is quite fun to try once or twice.. Petunia, labour of love.. hm.. yep, love for food.. :P

  4. Indeed, it looks soooo good! You are to be congratulated. But I know what you mean. Some recipes are like a mountain to climb. One wonders if the view at the top is well worth it. But you do it once and say you have been there, done that.


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