
Monday, August 9, 2010

Onion Focaccia with Walnuts and Herbs

Onion Focaccia with Walnut and Herbs and a wee bit of sun-dried tomatoes

I love to bake focaccia.

Mainly, it is because I have a really simple, hard-to-go-wrong recipe. The recipe I have is really simple.. and I like it because of the use of honey. Somehow, I feel it makes the dough a little stickier.. but the end product always turns out pretty decent.

Today, I did a variation of my good old focaccia recipe.

380g Flour (2 parts bread flour, 1 part plain flour and 1 part wholemeal flour)
A good pinch of Salt
1 tsp Sugar
8g Instant Yeast
12g Honey
240g Ice water
20g Oliver Oil

Additional Ingredients (Optional - this is the bit where you can add what you like)
Some finely sliced yellow onions, stir-fried with a bit of olive oil until brown and quite dry
A handful of chopped walnuts
A few finely chopped sun-dried tomatoes
Some fresh rosemary (I used some frozen ones - from my rosemary plant before it died)

What I did
1. Mix all the dry ingredients
2. Mix all the liquid ingredients into the dry ingredients and knead until smooth
3. Add in the optional ingredients and knead well
4. Proof til double in size (about 1 hour)
5. Punch down and shape as desired. I ended up making 6 round pieces of bread
6. Proof for another 60 minutes, or until double in thickness
7. Bake at approx 190 deg C for 20 minutes.

I ate this warm and hm.. this is a bread that can be eaten plain on its own - no olive oil or butter required..

I like shaping my focaccia like that.. with 5 dimples on the top

The onions in this bread made it really fragrant~~


  1. ah, i spy i spy. i spy some oliver oil! kekekeke...... =P

  2. I imagine it must smell so good.

  3. hehe.. It did smell very good Ting... ~~ I love the smell of bread baking in the oven! This one was esp potent!

  4. I made it this morning. It's proofing now!!

  5. Saw your post. Yum yum. Glad you and your children liked it!


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