
Monday, December 13, 2010

Early Christmas Party

I had a party at my place on Saturday.

I don't know how others be that cool, calm and collected party host. Whenever I host a party at my place, even if it is for my cell group friends who comes my house about twice a month for cell group, I was rather anxious.

Firstly, there's always The Cleaning That is Required. Our helper comes every Sunday afternoon to clean up the house and do the ironing. Understandably, by Saturday, our place requires a bit of cleaning and tidying to ensure that the floor is clean, the dining table is cleared and there are no odd things lying around.

Then, there's the Preparation of the Drinks and Food. Fortunately, we did a potluck this time so I didn't need to huff and puff in the kitchen with the food preparations.

I did however prepare the drinks. I always think that a party is never good when there is not enough ice. And so my freezer was packed full with ice-cubes and frozen lemon slices for the cocktails and drinks.

When everyone arrives, you go through the stage of the One Thousand and One Questions - "Can I have a cocktail?", "Where are the folks?", "Can I have something to cut the bread?", "Where can I get extra chopsticks".

And after everyone leaves, that's the Cleaning Up that is Required. Fortunately, these were my cell group friends and they helped out with most of the washing up.

But all in all, a party is a tiring affair.

At the end of the day though, hm.. I think I'd really prefer attending a party at my house than anywhere else.


  1. We seldom have parties at home because im very afraid of the cleaning up after the parties. But if you let me choose, i still prefer parties to held at my place than anywhere else just like you do :)

  2. Sounds like you are going to have a fun filled party! I didn't know that lemon slices can be frozen though. You really have a way to prepare things in advance. Oh regarding kitchen utensils etc... from past experience... yes the asking of this and that goes on throughout the party even when I have brought out almost everything that were needed.

  3. hehe.. afraid of cleaning.. yes.. that's the right phrase. Me too!

  4. Hi Stephanie, yes yes. Lemon slices can be frozen. Lime also. Acts like ice to cool the drink and interesting to look at too!


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