
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Festive Poinsettia

There are 2 big pots of Poinsettia just outside the lobby of my office.

They bring a smile to my face when I walk past them early every morning. I think there is something about the brilliant red of Poinsettia that shouts year-end holidays and festive season.

Legend has it that a young girl in Mexico was too poor to provide a gift for the celebration of Jesus' birthday. The tale goes that the child was inspired by an angel to gather weeds from the roadside and place them in front of the church altar. Crimson "blossoms" sprouted from the weeds and became beautiful poinsettias. See the legend of the poinsettia here.

The star-shaped leaf pattern of the Poinsettia is said to symbolize the Star of Bethlehem, and the red color represents the blood sacrifice through the crucifixion of Jesus.

Whatever it is, I just like the red of the Poinsettia very much.


  1. I have not seen really white poinsettias before. And, thanks for including the above legend behind this wonderful plant ;-)

  2. Now i know the legend and significant of this plant during Christmas! I was wondering why it's so famous during Christmas!

  3. Very beautiful poinsettias!

    We do have a lot of legends from the origin of them back at home (mexico).
    That one is one my favorites.

    Another legend is that back in ancient times of war, there was a huge battle and a lot of blood was spilled. So much that the leafs of the plants turned red. During the battle the gods were so impressed with the bravery of many of the soldiers from both sides that they make the color permanent.

    So now every year around the time of the battle (winter) the leafs turn red again to honor the fallen warriors and to remind men to enjoy and keep this times of peace.


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