
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Meet King Kong

Meet King Kong - A giant Harrods bear.

And in case you are wondering..

Nope. I didn't buy it from London. Neither do I know anyone who is crazy enough to buy it home. King Kong belongs to a friend's brother (ops, I didn't mean to say he is crazy... I hope he doesn't read my blog). King Kong is occupying a significant corner in my friend's spare bedroom at the moment.

King Kong is HUGE - see the picture below with the iPhone on his nose for size comparison. He is so huge he got stuck at the door when my friend tried to move him into the room. He is a Harrods 2006 Christmas bear and comes with his own little bear in his left pocket. If you google "Harrods bear 2006", King Kong's pictures will show up.

I have never seen something like this in a friend's house. Every visitor to my friend's house, including all delivery and repairman, have requested to take a photo of King Kong.

I'm of course no different.

I'm lucky to have a few very good pictures of King Kong before he gets "mummified" to keep him less dusty. (Imagine having to give him a bath!)

King Kong with an iPhone for size comparison..


  1. WOW! That's huge soft toy!
    I remember my neighbour had a huge bear ( soft toy) in her room when we were young kids! I always have an eye on her toy back then. I think King Kong is same size with hers!

  2. i'll be the first crazy (or shd i say 2nd) human to buy him back..

    i have a weakness for soft toys esp bears hahahahaha :)

    Too bad no spare room... maybe i find some excuses... however i wonder what's the S11 involved to buy him? haha :)

  3. i'd fear walking in his den in the middle of the night. imagine how startled one might be! hahahahaha.....hope he dun read your blog. =P

  4. Aiyo... that's a dust mite mountain!!

  5. hi Malar, yes, it's huge! A few times my size and I'm not small! LOL

  6. Happy, Ting, I think the price tag was 600 SGD for this bear but for some reason, they negotiated it to 400 SGD. Perhaps Harrods Singapore had no space for King Kong too!

  7. Petunia, actually.. we think alike. I also said the same thing to my friend.. heheh..

  8. That bear is now officially in my TO-BUY LIST.


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