
Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Sunset at Marina Barrage

Last Friday, I was very relieved and glad to receive a call from A, my Japanese friend.

The Husband and I emailed and called A after the  earthquake at Sendai but did not manage to get any reply from her. We knew she was in Tokyo and should be quite safe but not having a reply was still rather unsettling.

A called us on Friday to say that she was safe and in Singapore, no less! Her company decided to send her to their Singapore office a few days after the earthquake at Sendai.

So we brought her out yesterday and after a very early dinner, we decided to go take a walk at Marina Barrage.

The sunset at Marina Barrage was beautiful - Singapore's skyline has really changed with the Marina Bay Sands and Singapore flyer.

It was a very peaceful and cool evening after the rain yesterday afternoon. There were lots of people at the Barrage, having a picnic, flying kites, or simply taking a walk like us. The atmosphere was festive and yet relaxing, very different from how Tokyo feels like now, A commented.

There were many people flying kites at the Barrage 

 The view was beautiful

Singapore flyer with a blue and pink sky

Marina Bay Sands in the setting sun

The sky got bluer and bluer as the sun went down the horizon


  1. Thanks Ting! I love the blue colour in the last photo. All natural too! I didn't use photoshop...

  2. Oh you mean A_ is in Sg? the one who attended your wedding many years back :)

  3. Hehe.. many years back is true.. Yes, Happy, A is in Singapore! :)

  4. Beautiful scenery!
    What a nice place to hang around with a friend!

  5. Hi Malar, yes! Personally I think it's a place very suitable to bring friends from overseas to! :)


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