
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

A Noisy Quiet Holiday

Today is Singapore's 46th birthday and hence a public holiday.

My family had plans for the day - we wanted to have a pot luck party at my mum's place and she'd make my favourite popiah (fresh spring roll).

Sadly, my mum had a bad fall in her bathroom on Sunday night and is now hospitalised and kept under observations. Thankfully, she seems to be improving - she definitely looks a lot better today compared to yesterday and should be discharged tomorrow.

So we ended up staying at home for most parts of today.. to rest and have a quiet day.

But our neighbours are having the big party we originally wanted to have. The party started this afternoon and there are yelling and crying children next door since this afternoon. It's pretty amazing to me how children can make that much noise. :)

Still, The Husband and I managed to have a good rest today and I found time to cook this baked balsamic chicken for dinner tonight.


  1. Oh dear. Hope your mum's fully recovered now.

  2. May I know what dslr & lens you're using? Thank you!

  3. Hi there, I use The Husband's camera - Canon DSLR 450D, with a 50mm Macro lens.. I'm so totally a novice I only know how to use the auto mode! :P

  4. Hope your mum is better now! The chicken looks yummy!

  5. Hi Ting, thanks for your concern.. she is better.. back to work now.. :)

  6. Thanks Malar, she is better.. Chicken wings - I'm running out of ideas to make new flavors.. :(

  7. Baked balsamic chicken sounds very appetizing indeed... bet it tasted good...


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