
Sunday, April 17, 2011

Cupcakes Challenge and Blog Stats

Blogger has this relatively new feature where you can view your blog statistics via Blogger Home > Stats.

Recently, I noticed that my previous posts about the 100 Cupcake Challenge received lots of visits. (See all four parts here - Part 1, 2, 3 and 4)

As I'm puzzling over this, I also realised I haven't been baking any bread or cakes for quite a while now.

I really should get started on it! I haven't been making much progress with my To-Bake list and there are lots I want to do!

Work has been stressful of late.. and very frustrating. But I really shouldn't be using that as an excuse not to bake. After all, baking is a relaxing way to de-stress.

The famous Red velvet cupcakes from Georgetown Cupcakes 
(from the show on TLC channel - DC cupcakes)


  1. Me too. I've been slowing down gardening now... But i find life gets more stressful when there is no gardening/ baking ;)

  2. Wa! 100 cupcakes! What did you do with them all? The one with frostings look very pretty and sugary sweet!


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