Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Little N is teething.

I can see one tiny white tooth.. Just to make sure I wasn't dreaming, I stuck my finger in her mouth and I could feel something hard along her gums.


No wonder she has been a little whiny of late, especially at bedtime.. More than a little whiny actually.. She has been crying loudly before bedtime, complete with large drops of tears like pomelo sacs.. For a while I'd just say "Good night" to her during bedtime, leave her room and she'd fall asleep after a while.. These few days though, she'd be really upset and cry loudly for me.

Oh well, I supposed teething is a phase all babies go through. Must be a difficult and uncomfortable time for her..

I'm not sure if it is a coincidence.. but according to the Wonder Weeks theory, Little N is in the midst of a "Wonder Week" (The terminology is somewhat confusing.. a wonder week actually last more than a week.. sometimes up to 4 weeks! More like Wonder Months actually).

2 Dutch doctors came up with the term ‘Wonder Week’ to describe the mental developmental leaps babies experience in their first 20 months of life. These leaps occur at 10 specific times and can also be referred to as a baby's 10 Great Fussy Phases. After each phase, the baby will have developed in some new way and gain some new skills.

It's a pretty interesting theory and I guess it makes me feel better to know that Little N is supposedly in the midst of a "Wonder Week".. at least it helps me try to understand that all these fussiness is due to development and new skills!

And teething, probably!

 I really like this picture of her


Celine said...

:) you are an observant mommy to know why N is fussing. You are doing a great job!

Open Kitchen Concept said...

Hehe. Thanks, Celine!