Thursday, November 29, 2012

10 weeks old

Little N is 10 weeks old now.

Time seems to fly by... At least during the day it seems so. When I wake up at night to feed her, time seems to be crawling and I can't wait for her to get older and sleep through the night.

Recently, she has become a lot more responsive - she gurgles and coos and smiles.  These and burps are my daily rewards for spending all that time with her.

Here's a photo of her showing her delight at seeing her musical mobile.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Baby doesn't sleep

My impression of babies is that they drink milk and they sleep.

When Little N first came home from the hospital, that's what she did.

Ah.. she also cried. She cried when she wanted milk and after drinking, she sleeps.

Of course, I also very quickly found out that babies pee and poo as well. A lot.

But just before Little N turned a month, she started crying more..


And not only when she wanted milk.

She cried and she cried. She cried when she wanted milk. She cried when she was drinking. She cried when we changed diaper. She cried when she wanted to sleep.. but oh, she wouldn't sleep. She'd doze off in my arms but once I put her down, she'd cry and she will not sleep.

Yes, that's right. She doesn't sleep.

She sleeps okay at night, waking up twice or thrice. But in the day, she'd stay awake almost all day, save for a couple of 15 mins or 30 minutes nap if I'm lucky. I started tracking how long she would stay awake and panicked when I realised she was up from 830am to 3pm.. and then 330pm to 8pm.

She'd wake up from her naps crying. Or she'd cry in her nap and then continue sleeping for a while more.

And the crying got louder and louder as she gets more and more exhausted.

Until she goes hoarse and her mummy also starts to cry.

Well meaning relatives and friends tell me "Babies do that."

"All babies cry."

"I remember my baby crying a lot too."

"It's colic. There isn't any reason why babies cry."

But I refused to believe that Little N is crying like that without any reasons. Finally, I suspected she had silent reflux and started the medication prescribed by the pediatrician. And thankfully, she got better.

Oh, she still doesn't always nap very well and still fusses at times, during some feedings and especially in the evenings.. but at least she naps once or twice a day for longer stretches now and doesn't cry as much.

Well meaning relatives and friends say "Things will get better."

This I believe and pray it'd indeed be so.

One of the rare occasion Little N nap in her cot. 
I tend to put her in a rocking chair so she gets rocked to sleep.